Can Girls Pee During Sex?

Can Girls Pee During Sex?

There are a lot of questions to be asked about sexual activity, and many answers concern our bodies’ functions when they interact with pleasure. One of the questions that commonly comes up is  Do girls pee during sex? This may sound weird but it is explained through the way the body works during sex. We will cover the anatomy, physiology and contributing factors that may cause you to urinate during sex as well as various concerns associated with it in this article.

The Scientific Reason Why You Get Aroused When You Have to Pee

The short answer is probably, but first, we need to understand the female anatomy and how it reacts during arousal vs. when needing to pee.

They help your body hold and release urine. Control the flow of urine (pelvic floor muscles). As sexual excitement advances, blood streams to the genitals and sets it up for intercourse. The increased sensation can sometimes be reminiscent of needing to pee. The reason is that the vagina and urethra are located near each other, so during sex activity, pressure from this can affect the bladder as well which causes a similar sensation to urination.

But the body itself has natural mechanisms designed to keep you from peeing during sex, like those muscles that are meant to contract around your urethra.

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Though not typical, peeing during sex can technically happen to girls. While pelvic floor muscle contractions can help many women avoid wetting their pants during sex, some factors might make it harder to control that stream.

Sexual Pressure: While having intercourse or while in any other activity, the pressure on the bladder due to innervation can sometimes give a sensation that she is feeling using urine, but practically isn’t necessary her urine isn’t too overfilled. This pressure at times might lead to some amount of bladder leakage amongst women when they have full bladders.

In most women, however, it typically does not happen likely because the body has other responses that are more important (like sending blood flow to enhance arousal) than needing to urinate.

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Piss vs. Squirt

you piss like quicksilver you ejaculate mayhem. Squirting is something that many women relate to as a kind of fluid release happening during sex (which is not peeing)

The Skene’s glands, located inside the vagina can release fluid during orgasm resulting in female ejaculation. This fluid looks and smells like urine, but comes from the bladder in addition to being different substances; small amounts of actual urination are found within it. This misunderstanding is in large part due to the misconceptions people still have when a woman squirts and thus believes her peers with peeing which are two VERY separate things

Some reasons you might pee while having sex Include;

What are the risk factors for urinating during sex?

Full Bladder: When you have a major fill and your bladder is so full, then uncontrollable urination happens. With the bladder full I have often wet myself during intercourse because that all-important penetration has created pressure.

Weak Pelvic Floor:Women with weak pelvic floor muscles may find they struggle to hold their bladder or remain completely continent during sex. This may happen especially to those who are newly delivered mothers, older or have health conditions like urinary incontinence.

Medications Health issues:Things like overactive bladder or stress incontinence can make it more likely that you may urinate during sex. Leakage — one of the classic symptoms for a large percentage of women with these issues, and often caused by increases in exercises or activities that put pressure on the bladder (like laughing or sneezing)…yielded during intercourse.

Is it Possible to Control Peeing While Having Sex?

Below, we list out some of the possible ways to help prevent urinating during sex.

Pee before sex: to prevent peeing during the act, it is advised that you pee well just before having intercourse. Getting her to go pee before intercourse will lessen the chance of any unintentional urination (ew).

Work out your pelvic floor:Practising Kegel exercises can strengthen the muscles in your pelvic organs, which help with bladder control. They are performed by contracting the muscles you use to stop urination and then releasing them. This can change over time by doing regular Kegel exercises, which will improve your bladder control.

Learn to relax:Sometimes, the actual anxiety or stress of peeing during sex makes it feel even more like you need to pee. If you relax and concentrate on the sensations, this will detract from your pee.

Emotional and mental sub-factors

Emotional stress, anxiety or body image concerns about sex and bodily functions can increase the feeling of needing to pee. This one appears to be chicken and egg if you spend too much time worrying about the next pee, they worry more.

Simply checking with your partner about the worries that you have can help calm anxiety and might let a little more of yourself focus on feeling pleasure, instead of peeing. Feeling comfortable is important; don’t let fear, or embarrassment hold you back from enjoying sex.

What to Do If It Happens

Peeing during sex is a normal thing so don’t be embarrassed about it. Sex is a beautiful part of life, and so are bodily functions. When it does happen, stay cool calm and collected. You can:

If you have the urge, pause and go to the restroom.

To avoid anyone feeling strange or embarrassed, be open and transparent with your partner about it. These are things that MOST people know already happen.

You can also put a towel down if you are worried it might happen again.


Can you pee while climaxing?

It is also very uncommon to urinate while having an orgasm because most of your body parts are working on other stuff but depending on how loose or weak your bladder and muscles are, it can make some women leak if they have a full bladder.

Is peeing during sex common?

Although, it is quite unusual a little can occur in a few women due to the likelihood of experiencing unpleasant urinary symptoms and those with urge or stress incontinence or full bladder.

Are Women Doing This To Pee?

Female ejaculation urinating; However, it is thought that the ejaculated fluid sometimes has parts of urine in it.

How to stop peeing during sex?

True, if you urinate before having sex and exercise your pelvic floor to strengthen those muscles, then it won’t be likely that this will occur.

What about that sensation of pee during sex?

It is often related to pressure on the bladder. Make time to go pee at some point or pause during sex.

Does this pose a health risk?

Accidental urination during sex doesn´t pose a health risk, but if you´re peeing every time sexual activity is happening it could be advisable to have this evaluated by your physician.

Then am I allowed to be oppressed for peeing while being lovemaked upon?

No, it is a natural phenomenon and something you should not feel embarrassed about.

Am I incontinent if I pee during sex?

A little bit of experience  not even really, though if it becomes a common thing for you then maybe see your doctor to check on incontinence or other problems

Is this strictly caused by drinking too much water before sex?

So of course, if your bladder is loaded, you will feel more like peeing and as well have the need to do it every five minutes. Which once again leads us back to not letting that happen first.

If so how can embarrassment be avoided?

Embarrassment may be minimized by talking with your partner. You can also use towels to mitigate the situation or take breaks.


While peeing during sex isn’t something that happens all the time, here’s what you need to know if it ever does pop up. A full bladder through to pelvic floor weakness, and understanding your body in the bedroom can help you manage and prevent that situation. Being present and focused, allowing time for relaxation, doing pelvic floor exercises when possible and speaking openly with your partner are ways in which you can experience intimacy without concern about peeing.

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